Cloning a Scene

You can clone a scene and all of its included layouts to use as a template for a new scene.

  1. Click or tap the Scenes option on the sidebar along the left side of your screen.
  2. Locate the scene you would like to edit. See Finding an Existing Scene.
  3. Click/tap the Go To symbol , located on the right-hand side of the selected record.
  4. Click/tap the Clone Scene button , located on the upper right-hand side of your screen.
    Result: A confirmation prompt appears.

  5. Click/tap Continue to copy the scene with all associated layouts; click/tap Cancel to return to the previous screen.
    Result: The scene is copied, and "Copy" appears to the right of the title to distinguish the copied scene from the original scene.
  6. Edit information on the new scene (Title, Date, Time, etc.) as desired.